Tickets now available for ‘Sounds of the Summer’ and ‘Autumn Shades’ concerts at Mixbury and Shaw


A limited number of tickets are now available for our ever popular concerts by Professor Ian Tracey including the ‘Sounds of the Summer’ event to be held at our Mixbury on Saturday 2nd May 2015 and at Shaw for the ‘Autumn Shades’ event on Saturday 3rd October 2015.

Tickets are £10 per person, all of which goes to the Liverpool Cathedral organ appeal; this is tremendous value for money for such an event. As in previous years food and drink will be provided free of charge during the day. If you would like to request tickets, please contact us directly.

During the intervals, our increasing selection of sheet organ music from various publishers, including of course our own, will be available for purchase, as will our latest line in organ shoes. Jan and Bill Wolfenden will be selling items from their Liverpool Cathedral organ supporters stall.