Through the years, many Organists Associations have visited our showrooms. We love putting on these events and seeing the look of surprise on faces when they see the massive stock of sheet organ music we carry in Shaw and especially the look of wonder when they hear the latest generation organs for the first time.

Typically, for a Saturday visit to Shaw which can last four hours, we offer:-

  • A convenient arrival time of 11:00 (we have ample and free parking)
  • A brief introductory talk and organ demonstration
  • Complimentary lunch and drinks
  • Plenty of time to play the organs
  • Plenty of time to browse our vast selection of sheet organ music with 2,000 items usually in stock
  • Try on OrganMaster shoes
  • A demonstration of the Makin Thirlmere instrument installed in the adjacent Holy Trinity church

Of course such visits are bespoke to suit exact needs; please contact us to discuss details. Visits to Mixbury can also be arranged.