Tag Archives: Events

‘Sounds of the Summer’ concert review

n 8th May customers and prospects joined with Makin staff at the 3rd Annual ‘Sounds [...]

Makin RoadShow at March

This month's Makin Roadshow is to be held at St Peter's Church, March on Saturday [...]

Makin RoadShow at Prescot

A wonderful time was had by all at the Makin Roadshow at St James Rainhill [...]

Mixbury Open Day Still On!

Saturday 9th January 2010 Makin Mixbury Open Day, 10:00 - 16:00 OUP & Kevin Mayhew [...]

Happy New Year!

Whilst 2009 was a truly remarkable year for Makin Organs with record numbers of customer [...]

Makin Christmas Concert

As part of our Christmas celebrations this year, we are holding a free Christmas Concert [...]

Autumn 2009 events with Makin Organs

We have lots of events in late 2009