Makin Christmas Concert

As part of our Christmas celebrations this year, we are holding a free Christmas Concert ‘Coffee, Carols & Clowns’ at the Makin Showrooms in Shaw on Tuesday 15th December at 19:30. Tickets are limited, so please contact us directly to reserve yours. As you will see from programme below with two professional clowns attending, one of which is an excellent organist, this is a unique event, and something not to miss.

‘Kyrie Eleison’
From “Messe Sollonelle” for choir and two organs by Louis Vierne

‘The  First Nowell’
Libretto adapted from Medieval Pageants by Simona Packenham with music composed and arranged from traditional tunes by Ralph Vaughan Williams with additions by Roy Douglas.

Coffee and Mince pies are served

‘Carols for All’

‘Clown Vercoe & Professor Forte’

The narrators and soloists are:-
Alison Chisholm (Mary)    
Pamela Piggott (Elizabeth)
Arthur Pedlar (The Creator and Joseph)
Annette Thomas (Soprano)
Andrew Lamb (Baritone)
Michael Gilfillan (Organ)
James Harker (Organ)
Cantata Choir of Birkdale United Reformed Church, Southport. Directed by Alan Whiteley