Thirlmere brochure now available

Having a high quality nine-channel audio system (8.1 configuration) this is the ideal two manual [...]

Carlo Curley & Ian Tracey at Liverpool

A memorable image of Carlo Curley (Willis) with Ian Tracey (Copeman Hart) at Liverpool Cathedral [...]

Banks Music Publications Organ Music now stocked

anks Music Publications of York is the latest publisher to be represented in our growing [...]

New Makin Thirlmere Organ due in Showrooms

Within the next few days we anticipate the arrival of our new Thirlmere organ in [...]

Join us at Mixbury for Ian Tracey’s annual concert

On Saturday 4th May 2013 you are cordially invited to Professor Ian Tracey’s sixth annual [...]

High Quality Brass music desk lamp perfect for a Makin instrument

The perfect match for any Makin Drawstop instrument in a is a new solid brass [...]

Organ Experience at Liverpool Cathedral

Since 1926, many of the world’s most famous organists have sat at this very console [...]

Happy Christmas from all at ChurchOrganWorld

An early Christmas present, the wonderful picture you can see is of a recent home [...]

Organ News 22 now published

Organ News 22 has now gone to press which means that if you are on [...]