A truly memorable event

The packed audience was spell bound for nearly four hours on Saturday 5th October when Dr Noel Rawsthorne (aka The Boss) and Professor Ian Tracey (aka The Organ Scholar) played a wonderful concert at our ‘Autumn Shades’ event in Shaw. Interspersed with coffee breaks and lunch the programme included four duets and many solo items.

Noel played his own composition ‘Aria’ and a wonderful improvisation on the 4 manual Makin custom instrument. In addition to playing a wide and varied programme, Ian also fully demonstrated the new Makin Thirlmere instrument. Thanks to the generosity of the assembled audience nearly £900 was raised for the Liverpool Cathedral Organ Appeal.

In 2014 ‘Sounds of the Summer’ is being held at Mixbury on Saturday 3rd May with ‘Autumn Shades’ back at Shaw on Saturday 4th October. Both events are ticket only at £10 per head all of which goes to the Liverpool Cathedral Organ Appeal.

Thanks to Robin Newby for some excellent photographs.