Announcing the Rydal 2-20
Whilst many churches are simply delighted by the Thirlmere 2-30 instrument, for smaller churches it [...]
New Makin Custom Brochure
A new Makin brochure for custom organs has been produced. Please do contact us directly [...]
Sounds of the Summer 2016
Our 9th annual ‘Sounds of the Summer concert’ featuring Professor Ian Tracey at our Mixbury [...]
New 4k videos being uploaded
The long awaited 4k videos have been uploaded onto our websites, to our Facebook group [...]
Makin, Johannus, Copeman Hart, and now Rodgers!
As well publicised, the van der Weerd family have now added a fourth brand of [...]
Sounds of the Summer Concert in Mixbury on Saturday 7th May
A very limited number of tickets are available for our popular annual 'Sounds of the [...]
New 4k video recordings on the way
In a very busy week, we have recorded a series of 4k quality videos on [...]
A wonderful home installation in time for Christmas!
Some organ installations are straightforward and easy to carry out, whilst others are far more [...]
The twelve organs of Christmas
Thanks to some tremendous support from the Johannus factory, we have a simply unrepeatable offer [...]
Special offers on 3 manual home organs from Johannus
In collaboration with Johannus, I am delighted to have a special Christmas offer on the [...]