New Makin Windermere Organ for Guildford St Nicolas

We are delighted to announce that after due consideration of many options and vendors that the organ committee and PCC decided to replace the rather old and inadequate digital organ in church with a new Makin Windermere Drawstop model which will be installed later this summer.
Managing Director of Makin Organs and Church Organ World, Dr Keith Harrington commented “When the organ committee visited the Church Organ World showroom in Mixbury, they were simply astonished at both the audio and build quality of the all new Makin instruments.” He added, “Their organist was exceptionally comfortable and at home with the console within the first few minutes.” Philip Thomas, Deputy Churchwarden and member of the organ committee at St Nicolas said “We have spent some time with Keith and at church considering many options. We were all delighted at the clarity he brought to the situation and his analysis of our needs. We very much look forward to the organ being delivered to us.”
There is a medium to long term plan to fully restore the Father Willis organ from 1876 which is becoming increasingly difficult to play as the early 1980s ‘improvements’ to the instrument mechanism have started to fail. Very significant funds will need to be raised but, in the meantime, the choral and music tradition in church and future development plans can continue. What’s more with some simple additions to the console, the Willis pipework could in future be played from the Makin console.