Our tenth annual Autumn Shades concert with Professor Ian Tracey to a packed showroom on Saturday 7th October was a tremendous success. Our audience were treated to Ian playing five different organs through the day, both in the showroom and at our permanent installation at Holy Trinity Church in Shaw. Proceedings started at 10:00 with four hours of music, many anecdotes, retail therapy for organists and more food than it was possible to eat. This and the corresponding ‘Sounds of the Summer’ event at Mixbury have raised over £10k towards to £900k organ appeal at Liverpool Cathedral which currently stands at over £600k.
The organs played included:
A Custom Makin 4 manual drawstop organ as designed by Ian and Keith
The all new Johannus ONE classical keyboard
The Makin Thirlmere in Holy Trinity
The Johannus LiVE III including the new Stockport St Georges samples
A Rodgers Artist 599
Our customer Les Garner said “The instruments are, of course, at the top of the tree for digital organs and make wonderful music in the right hands. When Ian Tracey does his thing he often makes it look so easy that I sometimes think that I could do it and have a go. It always leads to disappointment!” Customer David Perry commented “Your ever-growing collection of music is a rare treat as it is increasingly difficult to find any shops that have such a wide and interesting range (or indeed, any organ music at all). It all certainly made the 6am alarm and the awful journey from Lichfield entirely worthwhile!”
The 2018 events are schedules for 5th May (Mixbury) and 6th October (Shaw). Reservations for tickets at £10 per head can be made now. In advance of these dates, please come and visit us yourself to help understand why our instruments as so popular.