Global Organ Group Dealer Meeting

The Dealer Meeting in Ede was a simply splendid affair with a host of good presentations about aspects of our business and a variety of new and updated models being on show and much discussion of new and exciting developments in a variety of areas including custom building of organs and the development of combination instruments. As ever, the Global Organ Group remains at the forefront of new technologies.
Keith gave two presentations about Makin and Copeman Hart options, the true English organ, to dealers from the USA, Canada, India, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand who are all keen for the English sound. Indeed he was delighted to see representatives from other countries including Belgium who are also keen on the English sound but want a flat & straight pedalboard.
The Johannus Opus Choir 280 has been designed for use in a small to medium church that is on a tight budget and can’t raise enough funds for a Makin model. At just under £20,000 for the two manual variant including external speakers, delivery, installation and VAT; this will be a real winner. We heard its stunning sounds in a very tricky acoustic of a chapel with a fully wooden interior dating from 1672 which had been moved to its current location in the Open Air Museum in 1988.