Autumn Shades concert 2024

Without fail, anybody who has seen and heard one of the new Makin instruments has been impressed with many commenting on the astonishing quality of their sound, specification, good looks and build quality. Following outings to Roadshows in Barnard Castle, Kingston upon Thames & Kenilworth, ‘Battle of Organs’ in Chester & Liverpool Cathedrals and recent visits to Shaw by Organists Associations from Oldham, Rochdale, Tameside, Birmingham & Lichfield it is now time to see the organs up close and personal in Shaw at our Autumn Shades concert with Ian Tracey on Saturday 5th October. It will be a memorable day.
During the first of three mini recitals, Ian will walk through the entire Derwent 4-68 instrument explaining how he and I came up with the specification and demonstrating the full tonal palette. Such demonstrations are fascinating with everybody learning something new! At the opposite end of the spectrum he will also play the Rydal 2-25T.
You will also be able to see another of these revolutionary new models, the Windermere 3-53D.
The programme of the day is below. Tickets are available at £15.00 per head, which includes all food and drink, with proceeds to support the organs of Liverpool Cathedral from here.
09:30 Doors Open
10:00 Introductions
10:15 Part 1: Makin Derwent 4-68 & Rydal 2-25T
Fanfare for the Common Man (Aaron Copeland)
Chorale Partita ‘At the Lamb’s High Feast’ (Johann Pachelbel)
Adagio from Organ Symphony in G minor (Percy Whitlock)
Demonstration of the tonal resources of the Rydal
Elegy (George Thalben-Ball)
Demonstration of the tonal resources of the Derwent
Scherzo in G minor Op 49 (Marco Enrico Bossi)
11:30 Coffee & Walk to Holy Trinity Church
12:00 Part 2: Makin Thirlmere 2-30 at Holy Trinity Shaw          
Rigaudon from ‘Idoménée’ (André Campra)
Largo from Concerto for Piccolo (Antonio Vivaldi/Ian Tracey)
Fugue on Magnificat (BWV 733) (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Vor deinen Thron tret’ ich hiermit (BWV 668) (Johann Sebastian Bach)
War March of the Priests from Athalie (Felix Mendelssohn)
Berceuse (24 Pièces en Style Libre Op 31) (Louis Vierne)
Scherzetto from Sonata in C minor (Percy Whitlock)
Toccata ‘Lasst uns erfreuen’ (Nicholas Choveaux)
13:00 Lunch in Downstairs Offices
14:15 Part 3: Johannus LiVE III AGO
Nun Danket Alle Gott (BWV 79) (Johann Sebastian Bach/Ian Tracey)
O Mensch Bewein (BWV 622) (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Pastorale (Licinio Refice)
Narcissus (Water Scene) (Ethelbert Nevin)
Allegro (Symphonie VI) (Charles Marie Widor)
15:30 Coffee & time to explore the new organs