Dr Matthew Pearson
Dr Matthew Pearson started out as a very reluctant organist having been nominated by his secondary music teacher to play the school organ for morning assembly. But in time he warmed to the task and by the age of 17 was organist at St Peter’s Irthlingborough in Northamptonshire where he played an engaging but somewhat cantankerous Compton.
After a break from playing at church, in 2013 he took up the post of organist at St Maxentius Bradshaw in Bolton and purchased a Johannus Studio 170 from Church Organ World to help him improve his playing.
Matthew trained as a teacher and after teaching in a sixth form college he took a post as Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Huddersfield and then became Research Fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University. He joins Makin from Learning by Questions, a company which specialises in digital classroom assessment based in Blackburn, from which he has a raft of experience in sales and working with customers and developing solutions to meet their exact needs.