Twenty pieces from twenty composers
- Aria ‘In Paradisum’ by David Stokes
- Chorale Prelude on ‘Aus der Tiefe’ by Arthur Robson
- Chorale Prelude on ‘St Botolph’ by Ian Pattinson
- Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness by Stephen Barber
- Elegy on ‘Anima Christi’ by Edward Marsh
- Four Versets on ‘Picardy’ by Ian Tracey
- Jesus Blessed Saviour by Keith Harrington
- Meditation on ‘Abide with me’ by Tim Attride
- Prelude on ‘Corpus Christi’ by Robert Cockroft
- Meditation on ‘Adoro te devote’ by Steven Maxson
- Meditation on ‘Sussex’ by Alan Bullard
- O Bread of Heaven by Daniel Mansfield
- Prelude on ‘Ewing’ by Clive Grey
- Prelude on ‘Slane’ by John Hosking
- Prelude on ‘Southwell’ by Mark Swinton
- Prelude on ‘St Agnes’ by Annette Butters
- Reflection by Ian Higginson
- Reflection on ‘Amazing Grace’ by Ian Jordinson
- Reverence by Richard Francis
- Variations on ‘Song 13’ by Daniel Bishop
Series edited by Ian Tracey & Keith Harrington